Thursday, April 1, 2021

Post #314 - March 7, 1944 Adele Particularly Likes My Brother, Jack and Do Not Envy Anyone Anything, for in All Likelihood, You are More to be Envied


March 7, 1944 

My Sweetness, 

Yours lovingly of the the 28 and 29 Feb. received this morning. Sorry about the lone

v-mail but the others must have showed up by now. I sure hope your luck was good

on your investment. You, as well as I, feel badly about that two day pass. Please try

to figure your money more closely to provide for the future. Getting a monthly

allotment gives me an opportunity to look ahead and plan for the month. I do, but

sometimes I wonder about you. You asked our financial state, sweet, and I had

purposely kept you in the dark for I wanted to reach a certain figure before disclosing

our present condition. I think we are darn close, so here Tis. I'd say we aren't doin’

badly, but that doesn't give us any reason to slow up. Heretofore, when I say I'm

broke, I don't say it meaning that we haven't a cent to our names, but that our

allotment won't see me through a given month. Our bank account reads $155. Our

bonds total $450, plus an additional $8 in 25¢ stamps toward the latest bond. Our

debts are as follows: Mom - $60; Betty - $20 (for my coat and bag); Adele's

insurance (due in April) $54; Adele's stroller $? (About $15 or $20) (I hope). I have

funds for the carriage, so actually we owe $134. Those debts, however, will be wiped

clean with my "large" overdue allotment check, which I figure should total about $152

or thereabouts. All in all I figure us to be close to $500 clear, “our" savings. How does

that make you feel? That, however, is strictly between you and me and no one else.

I saved all the money you sent me, managing as best I could on what I had or made

at Miss Hahn's. Incidentally, she called me today and I shall be working for her all

day Thursday. That extra money will see me through the month beautifully. Once

my $80 comes through regularly and I pay $40 board, I shall endeavor to save $10

monthly, but I'm counting on you to do the "Big" things. Both Moms would like to see

me return to work if the war continues. It would afford us a chance to save for a

home of our own. I know that I want my own home above all, but I don't wish to

purchase it (if we can some day) immediately after the war. I want to see, first, what

your earning power will be before I make any post-war plans. I want some thing

concrete to plan on. Guess that covers all. Any comments? (The $450 figure is

maturity value by the way). It would be worth approximately $340 if cashed in.

(I'm not thinking of returning to work, not at the moment, at any rate). 

I shall have to withdraw $54 for the insurance if I'm to pay board and manage next
month. "You have it, Bud", to close the subject. 

I mailed off the Milky Ways this morning and one of Ruth's packages for the English

children. I got the latter through on your request for razor blades. If you're wondering

what to write to fill up space at times, please, remember to request chocolate.I can't send packages unless I have requests and I doubt if I have more than one

on hand at present. 

I expect to have the candy I ordered from Rae shortly and that will start off the

next package. 

Ethel felt the baby drop and I think the latest Chase will make its appearance most any day. I shall have to return Ethel's hichair before Adele is finished using it. I don't care, for my mother has a friend who has one down her cellar and told my mother she could have it. I understand it's a nice one,,all wood, with a leather seat and in good condition. I'll need it til she's past two and that will see me through. That takes care of a carriage and a hichair and I feel lots better. 

I doubt if you'll meet up with Milt for I hear he is headed for the Pacific. I have my fears about him more so than for any other one we know well, except Harry W. for Infantry never was to my liking. Bea Brown will be 16 on March 11 and is a regular "glamour babe."

March 18 is Goldie’s 23rd birthday, so try to remember it in one of your letters. By the way, did you ever get that letter off to her father? I haven’tt written, thanking them, for you said you would. Please do it immediately if you haven't. The address is: Mr. D. Silver, 502 Church Road, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. We had a card from Harry & Goldie and they are having a grand time

Adele brushes her lower lip with her fingers and makes a "bub-bub-bub-like" sound.
She is very imaginative (like her daddy) and “makes believe" constantly. Mom thinks
Adele has my. temperment, but I don’t think so. She pays no attention to Mom's
commands and sort of teases her if she can. Adele listens to me, though I must be
extremely firm. I can't help spoiling her myself, but those occasions are fairly far
between. I give her plenty of love - you ought to know! As much as I am privileged
to shower my love on her there is a terrible loneliness in connection with my loving you. They are two completed different. feelings and while hers keeps me busy the other is constantly there - for you, Phil. 

Adele particularly likes my brother Jack. It's no wonder - he gives her whatever she asks for or desires. He has a way with kids. 

I taught Adele to give me a "quickie" kiss. I kiss her cheek, a short, quick kiss, and 
she immediately returns it. When I'm lying down, she comes over and puts her head down beside mine

Dot called. She has her package ready to send out, but lost the request. I think I have one that I can spare. Don't forget to send requests!! When I told Dot I had bought another coat she was surprised. I didn’t tell anyone outside of the family what I paid for the fur coat or where I got it - so --I got them all thinking. I said I had gotten it at an unusual bargain price. Ellie's baby has the chicken pox, at the tender age of 9 months. Dot seems quite broken up, though she won't admit it." I'm afraid 
I know her too well. She can't kid me, and I think she knows it.

You said in your letter of the 29th that you dreamed of me and played a dirty trick on yourself - what was it - I'm all ears..thought the asterisk stood for "Home" and all that it implies, but now I don't know. Am right? I hate to be teased, as you well know. Come on, baby, out with it - oops - better put it back (I'll be good - honest). All my love, sweetheart.

Your Chippie

March 7, 1944

Eve, dearest,

Received yours of 15 Feb with Anne Furr’s letter enclosed. The mail situation gets no better. After I receive your letter of 25 Feb.—I get one ten days older. Do you wonder that I'm all mixed up?

Lucky Yale and Shirley to be able to get a furlough every few months. But we are luckier, Ev, in many ways. I'm sure you appreciate what they are, so do not envy anyone anything, for in all likelihood, you are more to be envied.

After a typically routine day, Burdine and I went to the movie to see “Miracle of Morgan's Creek” with Betty Hutton and Eddie Bracken. I enjoyed this one immensely and was sore from laughing afterward. It was just one hilarious situation after another, and the theater was in an almost constant uproar. Betty Hutton is as sweet and appealing in some scenes as she is rowdy and boisterous in others. She has a wonderful sense of dramatics and humor (a rare combination). To my mind, she is not only one of the most pleasing actresses, she is also the cleverest. Mark, my word, Chippie, she will yet make her mark in “straight” roles, although I'd hate to see her give up her singing and clowning. Eddie Bracken, too, deserves high praise. He is the perfect foil for Hutton, and makes the most of it. His performance, always good, is exceptional in this picture. The story itself is both clever and original. I wouldn't spoil it for you by telling you about it. If you can possibly manage it, Sweet, see it.

Today being Tuesday, we had ice cream at supper. On Tuesdays, too, we “air out” our beds and since it is late and I have not yet reassembled my bunk, I'll have to cut this short. My love to you, Adele, and all the family.

Your Phil