Monday, September 19, 2022

Post #613 - March 23, 1945 Adele is Sporting Half of a Red Sunburned Face and The Punkin, I Must Admit, Proved a Great Surprise to Me




Dearest Phil,

As you may have noted by the dateline, I attempted to get this off to you yesterday, but, as the fates would have it, I did not get the opportunity to write at all. Adele kept me busy until the wee hours and I was too exhausted to as much as think of writing. Today I received your v-mail of 15/Mar and thanks so much for the early birthday wishes. I'm kind of tired again this evening. It’s very late and I have the time of my young life getting our daughter to sleep. There simply is no sleep in her. She went to bed (she was in bed at 8:30) and actually went to sleep about 10:30. This morning, after interrupting me once during the night, she was up at 7:45. She hardly slept during the day, but I'll be darn if she’d go to bed this evening. It's just about 10 now and she's just dozing off. When I got back from work I got her carriage and Fay and Ruth (the girl who lives with her now) took their kids and we walked to Broad St. I had Adele out all afternoon, hoping the fresh air would aid in promoting sleep - oh yeh - all I did was tire myself. I'm exhausted, but she’s just loaded with pep. Wish she'd give me some - I could do with a little extra.

My dad has been bringing me in a chocolate square with raisins in it as a dessert after lunch and it was so good that I prevailed upon him to get me a whole box for you. Consequently, he recently purchased a box of 24 bars, and was fortunate in getting a large Hershey bar. I'm trying to accumulate some chiclets and just as soon as I have a fair sized package it will go off.

It might interest you to know that I deposited the $10 gift from Seymour to our account and bought a $25 bond this month. Anne, (the bookkeeper) used to work for a beauty concern, and got me a whole pint of creme shampoo that only the beauty shops use, at the wholesale price of $1.50. It has lovely perfumy smell and I’ve started to use shampoo instead of soap, as formerly, on Adele’s hair. It's really good stuff and I love the odor. When I wash Adele’s hair with, it she says, "Mommy, it smells like perfume," Did I tell you that Adele understands quite a bit of Jewish? Well, she does.

Anne Presti called me yesterday morning and invited me to a shower to be held on Tuesday night for Marie. I haven't decided whether or not I'll attend, but in all likelihood I will.

Mr. Chase (Brighten Beach) had a heart attack and the doctor has confined him to his bed for the time being. Ethel and Al are going into New York by train tomorrow to pay him a visit. He hasn't been feeling so good of Iate.

Stuart will be a year old on Monday - doesn't the time fly? Haven't decided what I'll give him as a birthday gift.

The weather was beautiful today. My mom had Adele outside all morning and let her nap in the stroller. Adele was in the sun and my mom didn't realize how warm the sun was - so Adele is sporting half of a red sunburned face.

I'm going to wash my air, knit little bit (I don't think I’ll ever finish Adele's sweater in time for the Spring season) and hit the hay. In fact I may just skip everything and hit the hay, cause I'm very sleepy.

So it is that a very sleepy "dirl" says "good night" to her “boy” and tells him, oh so tenderly, that she loves him deeply and wants him to be close to

Your Eve

23 March 1945

Darling Eve,

Just got back from the Aero Club, where, together with Klein, Bloom, Weinstein, I enjoyed a real American feast many thanks to that swell package I received from you the other day. Klein wangled a dozen eggs from a farmer, so while he fried the salami, I beat up the eggs to fry with it. Then we mixed the tuna with the mayonnaise, sliced the cheese, got 24 pieces of buttered bread, put it all on plates, and settled down to a real feed. We all certainly enjoyed it, Chippie, and I know you would have been repaid the trouble and expense you went to in preparing and mailing the package, could you have seen how we relished the meal!

This afternoon, at last, your letter containing the proofs of the punkin arrived. How can I describe what I felt when I looked at the sweet images of my very own daughter? Even in the pictures, she is so utterly appealing, that I felt a sense of frustration because I couldn't hold her my arms. God, how I long for the day when I shall be able to do so! The pictures themselves are lovely beyond my fondest expectations. I too, prefer the sitting pose, but some of the fellows favor the other. However, they are both very good pictures, and I can hardly wait to see the finished article. The punkin, I must admit, proved a great surprise to me. I expected her to be big, and cute, but not that big, or so very adorable! You're doing a great job of raising her, Sweet, and don't think that I've forgotten it for a minute. I'm so very proud of both my Chippies. I have only one complaint, if you'll permit me, and that is that you didn't take heed of my wishes, and neglected to have your own photo made.

I'm still working on the longie of 20 Mar., darling, but I expect to have it finished by tomorrow. I'll send the proofs back then.

Thanks, again, honey, for everything—Kiss my precious punkin for me—very thoroughly, and know that I will be envying you each kiss. I adore you both, my adorable girls—Love to all

Your devoted Phil