Nov. 20, 1944
My dearest,
This morning I waited around for the mailman, just so I wouldn't have to wait til evening to read the mail I expected to get. I was deeply disappointed to find that there wasn't even a single letter.
Nov. 21, 1944
No doubt you are wondering what happened between what I wrote above and now. Well, let’s start at the beginning. I wrote to you on the 19th and when I finished I dressed Adele and took her along with me to post your letter. I always lift her up and let her place the letter in the box, for she gets a big kick out of that. As we left the house, up pulled Al's car, with Ethel, Paul, Rae, Stuart and of course, Al. They stayed a short while and then left. I gave Ethel Adele’s old blue snowsuit to use as a spare for Stuart. Stuart stood up in his crib the other day alone. He'll be eight months old on the 26th and is quite a big boy now. It struck me funny as I watched Adele and Paul run after each other, Goldie holding Diana and Al holding Stuart. You sure are going to have to become acquainted with a lot of new people!
When they left Sarah and Petey came over for a few minutes, to say hello to Adele, That kid just adores both of them!
Shortly after Sarah and Petey had come in, Mr & Mrs. Bader arrived, in time for their dinner date with us. Mom and I have promised to definitely visit them this coming weekend and I fully intend to keep my promise. I was sorry I could not spend the evening at home, but I had promised Dot and Snuff that I would be out, and that's where I went,
I got Adele to bed early, but she refused to go to sleep. Therefore, I didn't leave the house til 8:30, which means that I arrived at Dot's at 9:30 - or too late to go anywhere (we had thought of taking in a movie, since Snuff had until 2 in the morning). I wore my grey lumberjack dress, silver earrings (and I was terribly aggravated, cause when I got back home I discovered I had lost one of the earrings and they went so well with my dress - oh well, I'll have to get Mom another pair and get myself a pair), fur coat, brown shoes and bag and white leather gloves. I had a large red flower in my hair and my hair looked almost as well as it did when I went to Lena's last week.
Snuff looks positively grand, having dropped lots of weight. That reminds me, when Eddie called long distance Saturday night, he told Jack to tell me that he had seen you and that you looked swell, having put on weight. I'm glad you look swell, but I dislike the "put on weight" part. I don't have to tell you how much better you look when you have less weight. Wish I could say the same for myself.
Snuff brought home a fellow (that sleeps in the same barracks with him) for the weekend, as the fellow is from Michigan and didn't had anything to do over the weekend. This fellow is protestant and 35 years old. Funny thing about him was that he reminded me of you. I can't say exactly what reminded me of you, except that he was built something like you and his general appearance struck a familiar note. I know I shouldn't tell you this (for fear of your jealous streak) but I'm going to tell you anyway. The four of us went over to the ice-cream parlor (same one we used to go to that used to be Syd's) and had some ice-cream. Dot’s sister in-law and brother-in-law walked in and said to this fellow "My you're looking good"! (thinking that he was you). Can you imagine her embarrassment when she got a good look at him and realized that he was not my husband! He, on the other hand, said, "Maybe I should feel complimented". The whole situation only tended to make me want you that much more and I was kind of relieved when I was on my way home. I also brought my new dress home.
I got home, rather late (Snuff walked me to the el) and I walked home from Broad St. It was about 2:30. when I got to bed and I had a picnic getting up Monday morning to go to work. I waited around for the mail - and you may refer to the first few sentences of this letter when none failed to arrive. I was blue all day and very much in the dumps, I started this before leaving the office. When I got home I took Adele up and lay down with her. Next thing I knew it was 12:30 A.M., and there I was - fully clothed. I had some milk and cookies, undressed, washed some things, washed myself and went back to bed. After a good night's sleep, I was greeted with three be u u u tiful letters, though they were very old, being dated Oct. 27, 29 and 30. It may be the Xmas rush or sumpin' that's holding up the mail so long and I'll be mighty grateful when the rush is over. Now to answer your letters, I'm glad you're interested enough in writing to write that letter to Coronet. I told you before, I don't care if you fail a thousand times - as long as you keep trying. I'm sorry you did’nt send me a copy, but I'm sure it was well-written, as well as intelligent and I shall not be disappointed should you fail to win. I'm glad that you like the latest batch of snaps. Adele uses both her hands for everything, but I'm sure she'll be using the right hand when the time for using that hand only arrives. Yes, Adele is a very large kid for her age. In fact, she's taller than every other kid I know. No, dear, I wasn't hinting about the $18 for the bike for Adele. I wouldn't hint about it - I'd ask you for it - so there now. I was disappointed to hear that you are in debt. You're right - I don't like it. I sometimes wonder how you'd manage if you were on this end - but that's okay - you're forgiven. Then you got to talking about my remark that Adele is "your one and only daughter". Guess you're right - for it's going to be that way for a long, long time. There will have to be some very definite changes, etc., but we won't go into that now. So Evelyn and party kidded the ears off you about my letter! You needn't have any fears about my asking them such questions as "what kind of women you would make dates with, etc." The letter was a simple, nice letter and no doubt, you've seen it by this time. I'm mildly surprised that you agree with me on the matter of the furlough. I didn't want to tell you what to do, because of the fact that you haven't seen Adele for a long time and I wanted the decision to be yours, especially in that connection. I'm sure most of the waiting is over and if I could wait this long, I certainly can wait a little longer for the perfect reunion with you, my sweet. As for me practicing dancing - you needn't worry, honey, I love to dance!
I see I'm just about at the end of my letter, so I'll continue with this tomorrow, My Aunt Gussie has invited me out to her place Thursday evening for dinner, as my cousin Meyer is home on furlough, and I hope I can make it.
Harry is making a fair living at the moment with the station. He loves being his own boss. You ought to hear Adele reply to what's your name? Her reply, clearly, is "Adele Bahra Trongin" and she lives on 8th St. I love you, sweet!
Your Eve
P.S. I'm very anxious to know what you decided in regard to keeping up this house. Many people think I’m a darn fool for keeping it. After examining it very carefully I've decided to give it up, but I shall wait to hear from you.
20 Nov. 1944
Dearest Darling,
I am writing this in the Colchester Red Cross Club, where I am killing the next few hours before catching a truck back to camp. Last night, after I left Bert and Evelyn, about 11:30, I came here to sleep. This morning, after cleaning up, shaving and breakfasting here, I sat around and read the papers. The “big push" seems to be going well, and it made very gratifying reading. About 11 o'clock, I took a walk to the Marks’, and spent a few hours chatting with Mr. Marks. At 1:15, I went over to Bert's shop to pick him up for lunch. He is so devoted to his business, that he rarely takes time out for lunch, but as a concession to me, he did so. Afterwards, he went back to the shop, and I went off to the movies to see "Hairy Ape”. It was a fairly interesting film. Wm. Bendix was perfect in the title role and Susan Hayward was just too sweet-looking to be entirely convincing in her unsympathetic role, and I do think the direction was putrid, but as I said, it was a fairly interesting picture - no more. It might have been very good with more clever handling, though.
After the show, I headed back to the shop, where I "batted the breeze" with Bert until he closed up. I might have gone back with him, but I was afraid I might not be able to get a taxi later to take me to the parking lot to catch the truck, so I thought it a better idea to spend the intervening time here, and get this off to you at the same time.
Well honey, that's that for this furlough. I can't truthfully say I enjoyed every minute of it, but the “high spots,” such as meeting Limey, the time I spent with Bert and Evelyn, the films I saw, etc., more than compensated me for the monotony of hours of riding on trains. Then, too, I did see quite a bit of England during the course of my travels, so all in all, I am very pleased with the way it all turned out. My only regret is that I didn’t get to see Eddie S. this trip.
Believe it or not, sweet, I’m rather eager to get back to camp. Can you guess why? That's it - I can hardly wait to see how many letters have accumulated for me this past week, I fully expect the next one to inform me that Eddie is either home, or on his way. I can hardly wait to see what you have to say about that!
I am most acutely aware, darling, that it is only nine days to the punkin’s second birthday. Before leaving, I instructed Red to have Adele's present ready for me when I got back. He promised to do so, and I don't think he’ll disappoint me, so I'll be sending it along tomorrow.
Please excuse the delay if it's a few days late getting there, honey. As you know, I would have sent it off more than a week ago if Red hadn’t spoiled the first one. In the meantime - tell Adele that daddy's present to her is on the way, and kiss her for me.
My thoughts have been with you almost constantly this past week, sweetheart, and I often found myself wishing that you were by my side. Good-night for now, sweet Chippie—I adore you. My love to all.
Your Phil