Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Post #617 - March 28, 1945 Just Cause I'm 23 Today, Would You Mind Very Much If I Signed Off with 23 Long, Long Kisses and a Big Bear Hug for Good Luck.



My dearest,

Your letter of March 18th greeted me upon my arrival home and I enjoyed the accounts of your visit with Bert and Evelyn. What I wouldn't give to lounge around for just one day! I told Adele yesterday that tomorrow was mother's birthday and first thing on arising this morning she gave out with "Happy Birthday to you -" The only thing that made me angry was the fact that she got up at 6 to say it and I had gotten to bed at 1 A.M.! Oh, well, it's all in a lifetime and what's a little sleep - yeh, what is it. I was so tired and so busy cleaning up at work that I didn't have time to remember whether or not it was my birthday. Anne got a bright idea at work and when Mr. Bellet was in the office came forth with, "Well, kid, it's your birthday, so I'm going to treat you to a nice slice of pie for lunch." I thought he'd say something nice, but instead he piped in with, "Speaking of gifts, didn't you take a step-on can for someone last night?" So I had to pay him for it and that was that. After all his promises of gifts and treats I've come to the conclusion that he's the biggest bull-thrower that ever was. Anne did bring me delicious piece of huckleberry pie and my dad brought me ice-cream, so I had a royal lunch.

It was practically summer today, as far as I'm concerned. The weather is lovely and wish very much that we could take some walks together through the park, with Adele. Soon - huh -

Harry and Goldie gave me a lovely pale peach lace trimmed satin slip for my birthday. It's just what I need and I'm going to get myself several more - gradually. Adele is getting ready for a new pair of shoes and I am going to take her to Dr. Lefkoe before purchasing them, just to be sure her feet are okay. I should like to buy her low oxfords, for I feel she is ready for them, but he may have other ideas. There isn't anything wrong with her walk, except for a slight tendency to turn her right foot in, but day by day! I watch carefully and it is slowly, and surely disappearing. Now that she is taller and thinner her legs are straighter and not quite as chubby as they used to be. She has the cutest little figure -

Dot called me first thing early this morning to wish me a happy birthday. Mail from Snuff comes through very slowly. He writes a nice letter and is very satisfied with his present setup, that is as well satisfied as one in the Army can be.

It is past ten and I just finished bathing Adele, washing, showering myself, etc. and am going to hit the hay immediately after I finish this. I had a shot of delicious blackberry wine (a gift of Ethel and Al for the holidays) after dinner and it is taking effect. I hope you had a pleasant Passover dinner, baby, and that you'll spend your next one with me. Good night, angel mine, and just cause I'm 23 today, would you mind very much if I signed off with 23 long, long kisses and a big bear hug for good luck. I love you so much -

Your Eve