Dearest Phil,
No mail from you today, but there were two letters from Seymour & Milt. Milt’s letter was his usual. Seymour’s letter was a surprise—he remembered our 4th Anniversary & my birthday and enclosed a money-order for $10.00, all of which I thought was pretty nice—don’t you.
I was just interrupted—another big surprise—Goldie’s folks just “popped” in to surprise her for her birthday which is tomorrow. I got her a slip as a gift which I will give her tomorrow.
I have a very dull headache & feel rotten. My period delayed again & I feel lousy because of it. The Silvers brought Go a walker for the baby & a bottle of champagne to celebrate. If you think I feel like celebrating, mister, you’ve got another think. Phil, I miss you so much & I love you dearly.
Your Eve