Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Post #320 - March 14, 1944 Adele Took Her First Walk to Ben’s to Get an Ice-Cream Cone and I Never was One to Go Hunting Trouble or Courting Danger


March 24, 1944 


No mail from you today, sweet, but I’m sure I'll have no difficulty filling up a page or two. I did get a check for $3.45 from S(harpe) & D(ohme). I had mentioned yesterday that I hadn’t to heard from them for some time, and they disproved my statement. We also had a letter from Harry W. in which he says "I might even be seeing Phil, if you know what I mean" Guess he expects to be moved over to England or sumpin'. 


Tomorrow is Ethel's anniversary and Al bought her diamond wedding band. He was going to buy her a diamond ring also, but found prices exceedingly high and decided to wait.

The weather was perfectly perfect today and I was out most of the day with Adele. It was so warm I used the walker outside. l cleaned our room, the living and dining rooms before going out in the morning with Adele. I was out from 11 to 11:45 when I brought her in for lunch. When she was asleep I dragged the ladder up from the cellar and proceeded to wash the ceiling and walls and woodwork of the porch in preparation for spring cleaning. I grew very tired in a short while and called it quits. Adele awoke, had her milk and out we went. Fay came over with her baby and we walked together. She had some film and made two snaps of Adele and me; one, includes her and her baby. Adele saw Goldie (she was sitting on the bench) eating an ice-cream cone and insisted upon having one. Whereupon she took her first walk toe Ben's to get an ice-cream cone (strawberry) and a stick pretzel. She had a grand time stepping up and down the curbs. When she finished we walked up to Ruscomb St. and back. Mikey's mother promised me an extra shoe stamp so I'm going to buy Adele her new shoes tomorrow. I think I'll have to get her the high ones for she needs extra support. Her legs are still a bit chubby and she has very small feet. Most of the kids are wearing 5 and 6. Her present shoes are 4 1/2 and they are big. We stopped over Anne's house and learned a that Richy has the croup. It's always sumpin' with kids. 

Goldie's shoemaker finally located her shoes and she's very happy about the newly found shoes. Harry took in the fights alone last night. He's out today trying to get his income tax properly filed. 


By the way, your daughter is anything but lady. She's such a roughneck at times that I wonder if she was meant to be a boy. She tears into the boys and knocks them down (she knocked Mikey flat) and she likes to pinch. She squeals with delight whenever she can grab enough flesh to pinch. She likes to 

pull up a person's dress and get to the flesh just above the stocking to pinch. (Reminds me of someone else, omitting the pinch) She tries very hard to repeat everything I say and makes some mighty good attempts. You can understand a hazy "thank you". She also uses to the words "nanna" for banana or any fruit at the moment.

Mrs. Frommer has an excellent doctor and recommended that Mom go to him for a thorough examination to make sure she is in perfect health. Mom made an appointment last night and went with Goldie. Her blood pressure is a little high and she weighs 169, which the doctor said is much, much too much. He'll put her on a diet and give her some vitamins to build up a resistance against colds and the such. Now that she has some extra money she is going to try to improve her health as much as possible. Maybe he'll be able to do something for her feet, too. Both Mom and Mrs. F. rave no end about him, saying he is a wonderful doctor. He is located at 13th and Wingohocking. 

That is all the "dirt" I can report on today. Don't go way cause I'm not finished yet. Come here, closer, closer ---- and let me kiss you, darling. Um, I liked that! Repeat! Lend me thine ear, baby - Do you recall my saying "I LOVE YOU, PHIL DARLING?" No. Well, here 'tis again, I love you, sweet! 

Your Eve 

P. S. It might make you happy to know that I shall definitely 

take that C.(lare) P.(ruett) picture early next week. I’m "due" this weekend and want to wait til my skin is perfectly clear. I'll try to make it on our anniversary so that I'll have something nice to remember for our "third". 

P.P.S. Adele was out for over two hours and held her water all that time. Boy did she let loose once she could. That ought to give you a pretty good idea of how well she is trained. I'm proud of that accomplishment. 


April 14, 1944.

Dearest Darling,

Very sorry I was unable to write these past two days, but circumstances which I am not permitted to indulge prevented my doing so.

In that time I received two packages—the Milky Ways and the candy for the British kids. The Milky Ways are being dealt with (yum! yum!). The other package was turned over to the Red Cross, who will see that it goes to the right source. Some kids are really going to enjoy those ”sweets”—you can be sure. Tell Ruth that I'm very grateful to her for her trouble.

Today brought me two letters from you, my Sweet. 21 Mar. and 25-26 Mar. The former was a “shortie” and the latter (with the snaps enclosed)—a “longie.” Yesterday, I received yours of the 29th. This V-mail is by way of being a hasty expedient, Baby, so I won't be able to answer your letters as I want to until tomorrow. Please understand that this hit-or-miss correspondence is very distasteful to me, Sweet, but that I have no alternative. I'll make it up to you tomorrow, I promise.

And now it is time for lights out. I feel much better that I managed to get off at least these few words. Good-night, my lovely, until tomorrow. A loving kiss for my vain lil punkin. My love to all.

Your adoring Phil

14 March 1944 

Dearest Darling, 

Last night I went to the early show, thinking that I would write when I got back, but when I returned to the barracks I was sleepy and tired and in no mood for writing. Today, tho, I mean to repay you for the loss of yesterday's letter 0.K? Before I go about answering yours of the 21st, I'll dispense with whatever "local news" I am able to call to mind. The picture last night was "Somewhere I'll Find You" with Gable and Lana Turner. It was an "oldie" but since I hadn't seen it, I enjoyed it. I've been reading "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" these past few days, and just finished it this afternoon. I found it an extremely interesting and well-written novel. There were parts about it that brought back long-forgotten incidents and memories of my own childhood. Most of all - I liked the fine feeling of the writer, and how she imbued every page of her book with it. It is a novel calculated to hit the reader "where he lives". The side-splitting humor you mentioned wasn't nearly that. True, there are passages that bring forth an appreciative chuckle, and "Sissy’s" love life is comical to a degree, but altogether the story has more pathos than humor, as far as I could see. I wonder, Sweet, if Kate reminded you of anyone you know? It may surprise you to learn that I was (and am) amazed at the similarity of character, her way of doing things, handling situations, her very thought processes with those of your mother? I wonder if Kate Nolan brought Anna Paller to your mind as consistently as she did to me? It's almost unthinkable that she didn't, since you know your mother's character so well and the resemblance is so great. I'm glad you are finding time to read occasionally, Baby, cause I know of no better way you could use it. 

Today I was busy with the Officers' Pay Vouchers and some other work, and the bulk of the work (my work) is finished for this month, I am feeling fine, as usual, which is unusual where colds and mild diarrhea are fairly common. I haven't had as much as a headache for half-a-year now, and I can't understand why. (I can just see you squirming, Sweet, as you used to do whenever I marveled at good fortune). Never fear, Honey, I take the best care of myself I know how, and, I might add, I know how! It would be unthinkable for me to hurt anything belonging to you - and that's how I invariably think of myself -- your property. 

The only mail I have received in the past three days, was a V-mail from Anne Furr, and a lovely birthday card from the Cohens, I have not yet found the opportunity to answer Anne's letter (I can hardly make out her scribbling), but I will. Tell Dot not to be too critical of my tardiness in answering her mail, because I would like nothing better than to answer her immediately. I also received a typewritten letter from her a few days ago, which I think I failed to mention. It was in answer to a V-mail I had sent her. I don't know if she told you anything about it (my V-mail), but from the tone of her latest letter, I think she misunderstood the spirit in which it was written. I'd hate to think that this is the case, and I'd appreciate it, Sweet, if you would get in touch with her and ascertain that the "mock severity of my V-mail was understood to be just that. I was feeling "devilish" when I wrote it, and meant exactly the opposite of everything I said. You, no doubt, are used to my idiosyncracies of expression, but I'm not so sure about Dot, and rather than have her get the wrong impression, I'd rather you put her straight. Incidentally, my greatest and constant regret is that I owe letters to almost every one of my correspondents. The hell of it is, I just can't seem to find the necessary free time to correct the situation, which preys on my mind continually. The truth is, I hardly have enough spare time to fulfill my obligation to you in this respect. My mind would be almost entirely free of worry if it were not for the troubling thought that I am "letting down" my dearest friends and relatives, Given a little more time, tho, I will find a way to correspond with them. The delay, I must admit, is extremely distasteful to me. It's not the way I like to do things, and I hate to think of what all those I am neglecting must the thinking of me. So much for the “local news". 

On reading over your nice, long, gossipy letter of the 21st, I find that it is mostly about Adele's illness. The only thing that calls for comment on my part, really, is the information that you bought a $100 bond with the $75 I sent you. As we say in military parlance - "action taken, noted and approved", to which I might add a hearty "but definitely

Your letter of the 22nd was short and sweet. It enclosed the "Prayer" which Goldie gave you. I liked it because it expressed without superfluities all the things I hope and pray for constantly when I am thinking of you, my darling, which is just about always, I learned, too, that you are registering with the 

intention of voting. I don't want to prejudice you one way or the other in this respect, but be very sure you let me know in advance how you are voting - and why, Most people are indifferent to the issues at stake, but I am not one of those, and I don't want you to be. I usually have pretty definite ideas about the best way to vote, and while I wouldn't want to foist them on you, at least let me exercise my prerogative as a husband to the extent of informing you as to my feelings and my convictions about the candidate, party, or issue at stake. Trust me not to hold it against you if you disagree with my views. That is your prerogative. 

The letter of the 26th-27th contained Lee Nerenberg's very sweet letter. She is a remarkable kid (if one may call a married woman that). There's a world of wisdom and goodness in that diminutive little head of hers. I hope Lenny appreciates her. The next few pages are crammed with miscellaneous items such as your father’s new job, Ruthie's first date, etc. Then, near the end, your plea. that I refrain from visiting London until things "quiet down". I wish, Sweet, that I could discuss this subject at some length, but censorship would not permit. Rest assured, tho, that I'll accede to your wishes in this matter. It is quite a while now since you wrote the letter I am referring to, and since then there has been little, if any, enemy air activity over London. It is almost a month since I have been to the "big town" and I certainly do miss it. I plan to go about the 17th, unless the air raids are resumed. Believe me, Sweet, it's not nearly as bad as the radios and papers make out. As for the neighbors "advising you to advise" me - it's silly. Next time someone speaks to you in this vein, you might point out that I know, much better than they could possibly know, what goes on in London, and just how great is the danger entailed in going there. You know better than anyone that my "design for living” doesn't include being "liquidated by a bomb. Moreover, I never was one to go hunting trouble or courting danger, and I haven't changed. So if you receive a "London letter” within the next week or so, put your fears at rest and think nothing of it. 

Your last paragraph in this letter tickled me. After writing five full pages you confess "I'm not in a letter-writing mood"! How many pages would there have been if you were in the mood? 

Your letter dated 28th Feb. is a real "longie", is bright and cheerful, and generally a delight to read. It starts off with a running commentary on my last "London" letter (when I met Eddie), goes on to describe what the punkin looks like now, her latest acquisitions of knowledge, the latest additions to her vocabulary, etc. You say it "kills" you that I can't see "my dream come true". You underestimate both my own powers of imagination and visualization and entirely overlook your own talent for describing things in general and the punkin in particular. I assure you, Chippie, I “see" "my dream come true" very clearly, thanks to you, so in the future don't feel too badly on my account. 

That list of names that H(arry) & G(oldie) are considering for the newcomer is mighty attractive. I particularly like their selection of "Jay" for a middle name. So much, in fact, does the appellation appeal to me, that regardless of the first name they decide on, I shall call him Jay. 

The increase in the amount of money that you will be called on to contribute to the household is regrettable, since it cuts sharply into the amount you might have saved, but I'm sure you appreciate the necessity for so doing, and I'm more grateful than you know, Baby, that you are so understanding as to give it cheerfully. 

A few days before I received this letter, I sent one reminding you that last March we were both in Columbus. I went into detail, or rather, I touched on the highlights of those blissful two weeks. I should have trusted you to remember that happy occasion, darling, for sure enough, you recall it in the very last paragraph of this letter. Thanks for the 29 kisses, Ev, darling - I intend to return them many times over some day. 

The last (and latest) of your letters is dated 29th Feb, and is four pages of miscellany that do not require comment. Except that very naughty last line. I often have cause to marvel at the insight, intuition, instinct, or call it what you will, that tells you so infallibly what to say to endear you even more to my already overflowing heart. That "naughty” line is just another instance of what I mean. When I read it, and the following “Wow, who said that?", and the P, S. *I'm . b-a-a-d girl", it had just the effect you meant it to have - you adorable vixen. Could I have gotten my hands on you at that moment, I would have eaten you alive - and if your skeptical about that just try me sometimes when I can get at you. 

I neglected to tell you that I am C.Q. tonight (hence this typewritten "longie"). At the moment I am missing you so very much, that the pain is almost physical. I adore you, my own Chippie, and would give anything in the world at this moment to be able to convey in person the full extent and meaning of that adoration, which is so great a part of me, that some times I think there would be nothing left of “your Phil" if it were subtracted. Right now you are, in all probability, in the midst of eating supper (about 3000 miles from here). Would it surprise you, then, to know that you are, at the same time, right here in the loving arms of your Phil? 

P.S. A loving kiss to my punkin. My love to all.

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