Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Post #556 - January 20, 1945 Dr. Baron’s Youngest Son Was Killed Recently


Jan. 20, 1945

Dearest Sweetheart,

I can't believe it, but it's true. Today there were your two v-mails of Jan. 11 and 12th - Imagine! They contained very little in the way of news, but they certainly are a blessing.

The pin I bought in New York came today, but I'm terribly disappointed in It for they put a different color of stone in and I don't like it at all. Jack Nerenberg said he would take it off my hands if I didn't like it so I've written asking him about it. I don't feel it's worth the money either. I hope Jack wants it for his girl, or I'll really be stuck.

Well, I did get that 5¢ raise after all and it will amount to something like a $1.50 to $2.00 more each week. Every little bit counts!

I was with Fay all evening until about 2 A.M. this morning and, Phil, she's holding up well. The real impact hasn't hit her yet, for she is still receiving the most beautiful letters you ever read. Morris also sent her three packages of things he bought for her in France that haven't arrived as yet. There’s so much to say, but I'd rather not talk about it anymore, for it makes me awfully sick. She did say one thing: That she feels if you can get a furlough to take it - to take anything you can get. It's only natural for her to feel that way!

Also learned that Dr. Baron across the way received the same dose. His youngest son was killed recently. Boy the war certainly is hitting home with unequalled force! May it be short lived!

I also received a nice letter from Milt (who, by the way, is in the Dutch East Indies) stating that he had moved to another spot on the island and that for the first time in months he saw a movie. Guess his outfit is getting a bit of a rest period.

We’re all supposed to go to the Browns tonight and they are having the entire family over to visit Syd. I haven't decided yet whether I want to go, since I am terribly tired and sleepy. If I snap out of it before we have to leave, I may go, but you'll find out tomorrow.

I'm still reading your letter of the 6th, honey, for it is so terribly sweet. It's just the type I love to receive. It's the one in which you discuss the various fragrances you noticed about me and I could eat you up for the way you express yourself. Have I told you that I adore you to bits? I have! Well, I’m sure you'll enjoy my saying It once more. Darling Phil, I love you so much and I pray to God that someday we shall be reunited to carry on a normal happy life.

Your Eve

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